Whether through choice or circumstance, more radio amateurs than ever before are enjoying portable operating.
Suitable equipment is widely available but what about antennas? Manufactured antennas exist but only some suit lightweight portable activity.
And, it's easy to overpay for something that's too heavy and too lossy for successful QRP.
Hand-carried QRP antennas takes the mystery out of portable antennas. After inviting you to assess your needs, it discusses the pros and cons of popular types. Its style is brisk and practical with almost no maths.
Many ideas for cheap but good materials suitable for portable antennas are given. Beginners and those returning to radio after a break should especially find this section handy.
Finally there's construction details on a variety of simple but practical antennas and accessories suitable for portable operating. All have been built and tested by the author over almost 30 years of successful QRP activity.
Hand-carried QRP antennas is available in both ebook and paperback formats. It's the author's second book, following on from the top-selling Minimum QRP, released in 2015. Already have it?
Check out the new More Hand-carried QRP antennas for more portable antenna ideas.
1. Introduction
2. Objectives and requirements
3. Station location and equipment
4. Types of portable antennas
5. Building antennas
6. Materials for antennas
7. Supporting the antenna
8. Feeding and matching the antenna
9. Antenna coupler projects
10. Test equipment and accessory projects
11. HF portable antenna projects
12. HF pedestrian mobile antenna projects
13. VHF antenna projects
14. Commercially available portable antennas
15. Ten tips for QRP success
16. Conclusion
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Online reviews and coverage
nerrfd.net - Steve G1KQH
The Font of all Knowledge - Steve G1KQH
Russell KH6JRM
radioamateur.org (French)
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
Mt Evelyn DX Report - Rob VK3BVW
Larry W2LJ
Ordering Hand-carried QRP antennas
Hand-carried QRP antennas is packed with over 200 pages of information.
You can get it as an ebook for under $US 6 or equivalent. Or it's available in paperback
(some countries) for a bit more. Click on your country's link below to order.
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Your feedback is invited and will help make this and any future editions better. Please leave it on the Amazon site or email me via the address in the book.
ISBN-13: 978-1520617602
ISBN-10: 1520617607
Also by Peter Parker VK3YE
More Hand-carried QRP antennas
Minimum QRP: Doing more with under five watt amateur radio
Ham Radio Get Started: Your successful start in amateur radio
Getting back into Amateur Radio: What's new and what you forgot
99 things you can do with Amateur Radio: Ideas and inspiration for new and old hams
Illustrated International Ham Radio Dictionary: Over 1500 radio terms explained
Australian Ham Radio Handbook