VK3YE Radio Books.

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Guest speaker opportunity


Peter Parker is an experienced author who can show how you can write non-fiction ebooks.

Why would you want to? Share a hobby or sport you love. Benefit others from your life experiences. Promote a cause you're passionate about. Or build the profile of your consultancy, practice or business.

With the right advice ebook writing is easier than you think. You don't need to be a computer geek. Neither is special software required to buy and learn. As sales demonstrate, now is a great time to be writing ebooks.

This session, hosted by the lively and entertaining Peter Parker, will get you or your group started. In a little over an hour you will have the confidence to investigate and write your first book. Generating topic ideas, planning, writing, publishing and marketing are all covered.

This presentation is not to be missed, whether you are an intending writer or just wish to learn how others do it. To find our more or arrange a time please contact us via the online email form below.


About the presentation

What we will cover

The session normally goes for about 75 minutes. This can be adjusted to suit your group's needs.

Weekday daytime presentations are preferred. Between 5 and 20 people seems to work best.

Your room needs no special equipment except for a projector screen or large monitor with HDMI input.


Previous presentations

Laneway Learning May 2019
Description as per December 2018

Kingston U3A March 2019
Similar to the Laneway Learning talks but some mention of fiction

Laneway Learning January 2019
Description as per December 2018

Laneway Learning December 2018

laneway learning ad

Edithvale Collective February 2018

edithvale ad


Have Peter speak at your event or find out more

Send a message if you'd like to learn more or arrange for Peter to speak to you or your group.

You will normally get a reply within 24 hours.

Email Form

(Information will be only be used to answer your query and will not be passed on to others)


About Peter Parker

Peter Parker is a writer, video producer and electronics hobbyist who started writing for magazines while still at school.

He spends his spare time tinkering with recycled electronics and amateur radio transmitting from beaches around Melbourne.

Peter started electronic publishing in 1997 when he built the vk3ye.com website (VK3YE being his amateur radio callsign).

Video production followed in 2008. His YouTube channel now has nearly 15 000 subscribers and over 5 million views.

Since 2015 Peter has written seven eight specialist non-fiction ebooks with generally high worldwide sales.

He received a Technical Excellence Award from the Wireless Institute of Australia for videos and ebooks.

Late in 2018 he quit his 'proper' job to concentrate more on writing and electronics.

Here he is, hard at 'work', producing another video for his growing audience.


portrait of VK3YE


Books by Peter Parker

Peter has written eight non-fiction ebooks.

Their titles won't mean much to most people but their worldwide success shows that
even niche topic ebooks can sell well.

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All material on this site
(c) Peter Parker 2020.

Material may not be reproduced
without permission.